Welcome to the project's final round of public engagement.
We have been developing design proposals to deliver the Selby Urban Village. Your feedback has been used to shape and influence the design proposals which we are now excited to present.
In person events
We will be holding two events at the Selby Centre where members of the design team, Council and Selby Trust will be on hand to talk you through proposals and answer any questions you may have. There will be information boards along with models of the proposal, and you will be able to leave your feedback. There is no need to book and you are welcome to drop-in at any time. We hope you can make it!
When: Thursday 13th June 2024, 3:00-7:00pm
Where: Global Garden, The Selby Centre, N17 8JL
When you arrive, please ask for directions at reception. A Turkish and Somali interpreter will be there throughout the day.
When: Saturday 15th June 2024, 12:00-4:00pm
Where: Bull Lane Playing Fields, N18 1SX
In the event of poor weather, this will be held in the Selby Centre Sports Hall. ​
This in-person engagement event will be a part of the Selby Family Fun Day. Bring your family for some free games and activities, and come find our stall on Bull Lane Playing Fields to talk about the designs. A Turkish and Somali interpreter will be there throughout the day.
Can't make the exhibition or want to look at the designs again? You can view all the information presented online by clicking the button below.
We'd love to know what you think of of the design proposals. Click the button below to give us your feedback. Forms will be open until the 20th July, 2024.

13th & 15th June 2024