We are excited to announce that we are ready to show you the final proposals for the new Selby Centre, new council housing, and new sports facilities and upgraded Bull Lane Playing Fields!
We'll have a Project Update display in the Selby Centre reception form Monday 3rd June with a recap of the past process and engagement, and an overview of the design changes made since our last event in 2022. You can view the display during the Selby Centre's usual opening hours, or see it online here.
You can also find out more about our full engagement event later in June, where you will be able to see more detailed designs, talk to the architects, and give your feedback.
Exhibition dates:
Thursday 13th June 2024, 3:00-7:00pm, in the Global Garden at the Selby Centre
Saturday 15th June 2024, 12:00-4:00pm at the Selby Family Fun Day in Bull Lane Playing Fields!
Keep an eye out for an online version of the exhibition and feedback forms in the coming weeks.